The Larry H. Miller Company’s Statement on Salt Lake City Council’s Approval of the Jordan River Fairpark District Zone

The Salt Lake City Council’s approval of the Jordan River Fairpark District Zone is an important step in the development process for the Power District. We appreciate Mayor Mendenhall, the City Council and city staff for their collaboration and diligence. 

The Power District will serve as an economic catalyst for the gateway neighborhood of Utah’s Capital City and the state.

It is a historic investment in Salt Lake City’s west side and will create a place for Utah’s families to gather and thrive. This catalytic development will build upon the vibrancy and culture along the North Temple corridor and complements state assets like the Fairpark and the Jordan River. 

The Larry H. Miller Company appreciates engagement and support we’ve had from the community. Our team has a long history of partnership in Salt Lake City. We spent over a year listening to and understanding community feedback, and incorporating those suggestions into our planning. 

We look forward to continuing to work with our community, city and state partners to ensure we develop a connecting point for families, culture, business, and recreation.

Learn more about the Power District and its community benefits:

To learn more about our plans for the Power District, tune in to the real estate segment on CNBC’s Cities of Success feature tonight at 8 pm or visit
