Fitness Challenge Encourages Healthy Living

In May 2019, Gail Miller extended an invitation to the employees of Miller Management Corporation, the Miller Family Office, and members of the Miller family to become more physically active. The company owner and chairman had recently started a new exercise program, and she was reminded of how important being physically active is to her overall well-being. “Besides being sore in muscles I forgot that I had, I was also energized by the progress I was making,” said Gail. “My thoughts turned to the people I see and work with nearly every day. I wanted to challenge them to join me in becoming more physically active and working together to see what we could accomplish.”

The invitation turned into the Gail Miller Fitness Challenge, a 10-week fun event, which began on June 3 and ran through August 11. More than 90 employees and Miller family members raised their hands to take part in the challenge. Participants were encouraged to choose from the following list of fitness activities/goals:

  • Run/Walk – 120 miles (12 miles/week)
  • Bike – 400 miles (40 miles/week)
  •  Swim – 30 miles (3 miles/week)
  •  Other – 30 hours (3 hours/week)

At the conclusion of the challenge, the participants had logged 6,339 miles running/walking, 6,774 miles cycling, nearly 63 miles of swimming, and 1,195 hours of other types of physical activity. “This challenge was never about setting records or being on a leaderboard; it was about putting a focus on our health and well-being and working to support each other in our fitness goals,” said Gail at the conclusion of the inaugural fitness challenge.

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