Updated COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy for MMC/MFO/LHMRE/LHMPM/SSC

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recently announced new guidance regarding COVID-19 and vaccines. Among other things, the CDC now says that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask in most settings, except where required by state and local laws. People are considered fully vaccinated two (2) weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series, or two (2) weeks after a single-dose vaccine.

We are modifying our policy, based on this new official guidance regarding vaccine effectiveness, effective May 19, 2021.

The Company will recommend guidelines to be followed while in the office. Collectively, these will be referred to as the Company’s COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols (“Protocols”). While there is no guarantee that following these Protocols will eliminate the
potential for contracting COVID-19, the CDC guidelines and the local health department and state orders and/or recommendations strongly suggest that adhering to these Protocols will help reduce such potential. Each of these Protocols and recommendations must be applied consistently to all employees in the substantially similar situations.


PROTOCOL 1: COVID-19 Daily Health Questionnaire Screening

All active employees are asked to conduct a daily health questionnaire assessment before reporting to the Office. Employee can do so by answering questions below (“Self-Assessment Questionnaire”). According to the CDC guidelines, employee should not come to work and they should contact their health department or seek medical help if they answer YES to any of the questions in this Self-Assessment Questionnaire.


  1. Employee has any of the following symptoms:
    a. Fever of 100.4 F or above; OR
    b. Cough; OR
    c. New or increased shortness of breath; OR
    d. Decreased sense of smell or taste; OR
    e. Sore or scratchy throat; OR
    f. Muscle aches and pains; OR
  2. Employee has been in close contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 in the last two weeks (within 6 feet/w meters for at least 10 minutes); OR
  3. Employee has been tested positive for COVID-19 or is waiting for their COVID-19 test results.

If the health assessment indicates a potential for health concerns, employee should follow healthcare provider’s, CDC or local health department recommendations and contact Human Resources regarding any necessary leave of absence.

If the health assessment indicates no health concern, employee can proceed to the Office and abide by the guidelines set forth herein.

PROTOCOL 2: Staying at Home/Working from Home/Returning to the Office

Employee who experiences fever and/or respiratory symptoms (or any symptoms/issues listed in Protocol 1), while home, should not report to the Office. Employee who is already at work and experiences the same symptoms should immediately leave the Office.

In either event, employee should avoid being in the Office, they should follow healthcare provider’s, CDC or local health department recommendations and immediately contact Human Resources for further direction regarding leave of absence or work-from-home option, where available.(An employee who is not allowed to work from the Office due to COVID-19 concerns OR is considered “vulnerable” under government orders (i.e. has a compromised immune system) may be permitted to work from home, subject to the Company’s ability to make such accommodations. Employee should contact Human Resources.)

If unsure about symptoms, employee should call a medical provider or use telemedicine (telemedicine/virtual visit through mycigna.com or teladoc.com).

Employee may return to the Office when:

  • Employee has had no fever for at least three (3) days without taking medication to reduce fever during that time; AND
  • Any respiratory symptoms (cough and shortness of breath) have improved for at least three (3) days; AND
  • At least seven (7) days have passed since the symptoms began.

Employee may return to work earlier if a doctor confirms in writing that the cause of the
employee’s fever or other symptoms is not COVID-19 and releases the employee to return to work. (A doctor’s note is not required to confirm suspected COVID-19 illness. Consistent with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, the Company may require contact information for the medical provider providing advice and/or employee’s certification that medical diagnosis is being sought for COVID-19 symptoms.)

PROTOCOL 3: Health and Safety While Working in the Office

The Company will allow employees and guests who are fully vaccinated to enter our office space without a face mask or face shield. We will not require proof of vaccination, but we ask for employees’ and guests’ responsible and respectful cooperation with this revised policy. Larry H. Miller Management Corporation continues to recommend that all employees and guests, especially those who are at higher risk, wear a mask or shield.

All employees are encouraged to abide by each of the following:

WEAR A MASK: Employees who are not vaccinated are encouraged to wear a mask:

When leaving their own office space and moving through common areas where others are present, including but not limited to:

  • Elevators
  • Hallways/open office area
  • Cubicles
  • Breakrooms
  • Bathrooms
  • Conference rooms

When interacting with other individuals, including but not limited to:

  • When entering other persons’ office spaces
  • When in proximity to other individuals generally

KEEP CLEAN/SANITIZE:* Wash hands with soap for at least 20 seconds frequently. Sanitize hands throughout the day, including, but not limited to:

  • Before leaving a personal workspace (Company will have sanitizer available to employees)
  • Before touching any items in the common areas such as:

– Kitchen appliances, coffee machine, water dispenser, doorknobs
– Copy machines
– Common area cabinets

  • Before exchanging items with others, for example:

– Sanitizing hands before handing papers, pens, or electronics to others.

*Sanitizing does not replace the need to wash hands. Also, additional sanitizers will be available in common areas to be used as needed.


  • Use video or telephone conferences when practical
  • Avoid entering small spaces such as elevators and offices with others

DISINFECT PERSONAL AND SHARED WORKSPACE (recommended at least once a day, and for shared workspaces upon beginning and before leaving)

  • Wipe doorknobs and door handles
  • Wipe keyboard, mouse, office phone, cell phone, pens, and other items frequently touched




Compensation for Health Screenings and Sanitation Time: Time spent on the COVID- 19 screenings by nonexempt (hourly) employees should be recorded as time worked. Unless employee’s job duties include cleaning, employee should also record the time spent on cleaning/sanitizing of their workspace if separate from their other activities. While the health screenings will likely take less than 1 minute and sanitizing workspace will likely take less than 2-3 minutes per day, employees are permitted to log up to 5 minutes each day as Misc. Non-Protime. If more time is needed, employee should notify Human Resources.

Health Privacy: The Company will not request data from employee’s daily health self-assessment or apps or collect or retain data from Temperature Tests. To the extent employee shares such results or any other information regarding their health, such information will be placed in the confidential portion of employee’s personnel file as a private medical record. In the event employee is determined to be at risk for COVID-19, the Company will comply with all HIPAA, OSHA, CDC, and local government orders and recommendations concerning privacy and reducing workplace hazards. If employee has any concerns or is unable to follow any of the above guidelines, employee should immediately contact Human Resources.

Updates on COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy: For any updates on the Company’s Health & Safety Policy, please visit: COVID Updates at lhm.com

For any questions, please contact: Human Resources – 801-563-4269.

The policy is effective immediately and will remain effective until terminated, in which case employee shall be notified in the same or a substantially similar manner this Health & Safety Policy was provided. This policy is subject to change at any time.

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