As a family-owned investment firm, we are patient capital and take a long-term approach to value creation. Our investment philosophy favors founder/family led businesses in durable industries with strong growth potential. We understand the importance of legacy and stewardship. Our team has deep and proven experience building world-class businesses and we look to partner with like-minded individuals and companies.

We invest in people and focus on growth.

The Larry H. Miller Company expertly grows long-term value through strategic financial investments. We use our unique mix of business skills, relationships, and foundational values to identify high-potential opportunities across diverse areas of interest — real estate, health care, finance, entertainment, sports, finance, and philanthropy. Our success is rooted in our passion for enriching lives.

LHM Advantage

Years of Investing
0 +
Active Private Investments
Under Management
∼$ 0 B
Investments Over the Course
of LHM Group's History
+ 0

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Investment Focus

We look for businesses that have the following:

  • Strong management team
  • Competitive differentiation
  • Proven profitability
  • Demonstrated growth
  • Potential to build into a future LHM Platform Company

Food & Beverage




Home Services

Bolt-on Acquisitions

Our Guiding Priciples

Be a Student, Teacher, and Leader

To perform with excellence, we must be teachable. We must share what we have learned. We must lead by example.

Have a Little Fun, Make a Little Money, and Take Care of the Customer

We love what we do, and we'red good at it. It all starts with a commitment of service for our clients and partners.

Our Business is a Means to an End

Our success is what enables us to enrich lives. The Larry H. Miller Company is the foundation for everything we achieve.

Go About Doing Good Until There's Too Much Good in the World

Each of us can make a small difference. Together, we can create enormous and powerful change for good.

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